First aired on 15th April, 2012. Created by Lena Dunham, directed by Lena Dunham, Executive produced by Lena Dunham and also starring Lena Dunham. This girl is a TV genius.
The reason why it is becoming my favourite TV show is because it does not show the glossy image of young life, e.g; finding a job after parents stop giving you money, trying soo hard to break up with a tender womanly boyfriend and wondering if it is too early to settle down. The amount of laugh out loud cringing moments that happen are so much that I refrain myself from drinking anything or else it will go all over my laptop screen.
I love this so show much. For so many reasons. Dunham says "Gossip Girl was teens duking it out on the Upper East Side and Sex and the City was women who figured out work and friends and now want to nail family life. There was this whole in between space that hadn't really been addressed,"
It's a show that I don't constantly lust over the clothes or attractive characters, but instead I'm concentrating on the plot. I don't see any cliché moments or repeats of other shows, just realistic and original dilemmas in life.
A definite must-watch. Just definite.
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